Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Blog/Reading Questions:
  • After viewing all web sites listed in the Web Resources for Classroom link - which two web sites would you consider using in your future classroom? Please explain and provide supporting details to your response (you still need to use APA citations - but you may be citing web sites).

Explore the world in 3D from anywhere (google.2011). This would be great hands on activity to get students to really understand the world we live in.  There is no better tool than a 3D visual aid to really set home our world.  This would be great with social studies or current events areas, which with special education I very well will be giving instruction and lessons in various content areas.  You really could use this website in a variety of different content areas such as foreign languages, foods, and even science. 
The other website that I would use is teen second life.  I am very familiar with this website.  I actually had to use it for an online class.  Explore destinations inspired by real cities, such as Dublin and Tokyo. Visit new spaces unique to Second Life, such as a Renaissance-inspired Camelot or the 3D home for your alma mater. Immerse yourself in any environment you can imagine: watch the sunset from a mountaintop, dance the night away in a club or plumb the depths of the ocean on a scuba trip(second life, 2011).
It was very difficult to use at first, however it was pretty neat.  I was able to create an online avatar character.   I did make the mistake of some how swimming in the ocean and ended up standing on the table in the conference room.  This was a bit embarrassing.  It was very cool how we were able to have a live conference with a speaker in China.  You could hear everything real-time and everyone spoke through his or her avatars.  I thought it was crazy how you even need to make your avatar walk into the building and sit in a chair in the appropriate room.  A that moment I realize that school for my own children will be completely different than the school that we are all used to today.

Google, (2011). Google Earth. Retrieved from

Second Life, (2011). Retrieved from http://secondlife.com/

Monday, June 27, 2011

T2P week 5

Today was a great completion of the entire semester.  We are definitely starting to make the connections between the theory and theorists and how they apply to teaching/learning.  Watching the videos about the brain and how it worked was an interesting way to try to put the “why” into our practice.  It adds a level of cognitive ability to the rational of why and how we are going to achieve that optimal level of learning.  It also allows us to try to understand how we will get our future students to achieve that optimal level of learning also. 
            The chart of the theorist was a great way to view all the learning theories and be able to compare the two.  I wish the print out version was a little easier to read.  I also think it might have helped if we had this chart idea from the beginning.  It really spent a lot of time going back through my notes to complete this chart.  I think I might have made better connections early when we were going through the readings if I had been filling this chart out at that moment.  I guess it would have helped with my visual way of learning in keeping with different learning styles.  Everyone has his or her own different ways of learning.  

If a teacher exposes the students to a variety of learning styles during a lesson, then the students will learn better and be more self-determined, because there will be more chance one of the styles will be the best learning style for their individual needs. An example of this would be if the teacher has the students work to teach a lesson on a specific topic. The students may choose to use power point, lecture, a hands on activity or game. I think it is important to try to use a variety of styles to reach all students. An example of this would be hitting all the areas such as visual, aural, and kinesthetic needs.  This will allow students to reach that optimal learning level and ensure that the majority or the most students have achieved this optimal level.  If all this takes place then you will ensure that you are addressing the most cognitive development that the students allow.  When successfully achieved the students will be at their individual maximum for that relevant content area.

If: a teacher exposes the students to a variety of learning styles during a lesson
Then: the students will learn better and be more self-determined
Because: there will be more chance one of the styles will be the best learning style for that individual.
Event: A lesson
Moral implications: I think it is important to try to use a variety of styles to reach all students.
Evidence: and example of this would be if the teacher has the students teach a lesson on a specific topic.

"A good teacher"

A "good" teacher is someone who not only tries to do the right thing, but demonstrates caring while doing the right thing. A "good" teacher is in it not only for personal reasons, but most importantly they are in it for the students whom they will be affecting. They take the time to understand and connect with their students on a wide range of levels. They not only have the knowledge and skill set needed to teach the students but they also know how to apply that knowledge and put it into practice so that the students will learn what is being taught. The students will be able to take away knowledge and understanding in a caring, supportive environment where they receive a great deal of encouragement and are able to motivate themselves.

If students are encouraged to build on their knowledge then they will learn to an optimal level because they will use their best intelligences and styles of learning to help themselves as well as others learn. An example would be asking students to tell an experience that the students had while travel to visit a different culture. I believe it will help when students contribute how they view the culture and may help others understand that culture also.  In order for a teacher to help get a student to that level of understanding they must have the content knowledge themselves and know how to apply it.  They must also be able to understand where the student is at with their thinking and learning and challenge them to keep moving forward.  The most important qualities that a teacher can provide for their students is to encourage and motivate them to believe in themselves and have confidence.  When a student is self-confident and motivated by meaningful relavant content it will enlarge their view of the world and raise them to the optimal learning level.

If: students are encouraged to build on their knowledge
Then: they will learn to an optimal level
because: they will use their best intelligences and styles of learning to help themselves as well as others.
Event: building on the students knowledge
Moral implication: I believe it will help when students contribute how they view the culture and may help others understand that culture also.
Evidence: An example would be asking students to tell an experience that the students had while travel to visit a different culture.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Blog/Reading Questions:
  • Please provide specific examples of technology/tools that you would recommend for a student with...
  • (1) a hearing impairment- I would see if I could maybe get closed captioning on teachertube or by going on a virtual field trip.  You could also have them use the wikibook to study and learn new info. Flash movies might also be a great tool.
  • (2) low-vision- A Daisy book per education/Daisy is  a great tool to use for anyone who is having difficulties with vision.  This is a talking book which will help level the field for those that are at a disadvantage due to any kind of vision difficulty.
  • (3) a broken right arm-you might want to try speech recognition- MACspeech. The use of speech recognition software allows students that have little or no motor skills in their arms and hands to be able to produce typed reports, manage software, and perform research with a computer, just like other non-disabled students per the speech recognition wikibook.
  • (4) autism (non-communicative)-You could start with a web-quest which you have designed with activities which might be appropriate for this students cognitive level.
As a special education teacher I will be constantly search for new technology that might help certain students who need certain accommodations out to learn easier. It would be so useful for special educators to have a list of all the various tools that might help during certain situations.

Schrum, L. M., & Levin, B. B. (2009). Leading 21st century schools: Harnessing technology for engagement and achievement. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

T2P week 4

If students work together collaboratively as a team during the group assignments then learning will occur because it will lead to more knowledge being developed and discussed. An example of this would be if a teacher pairs a more advanced student with a student who is having difficulties, or by playing a game with teams. Students often learn more when they are grouped with their peers. I believe that students will build of each others knowledge when they feel comfortable to share ideas and knowledge in these groups.

Theorist would follow Vygotsky
If: If students work together collaboratively as a team during the group assignments
Then: learning will occur
Because:it will lead to more knowledge being developed.
Event: Pairing students or playing a game with teams, working together collaboratively as a team (group assignments)
Evidence theory:students often learn more when they are grouped with their peers.
Moral implication: I believe that students will build of each others knowledge.
Pedagogical Language: collaboratively as a team

New T2P Week 4:
If a teacher exposes the students to a variety of learning styles during a lesson, then the students will learn better and be more self-determined, because there will be more chance one of the styles will be the best learning style for their individual needs. An example of this would be if the teacher has the students work to teach a lesson on a specific topic. The students may choose to use powerpoint, lecture, a hands on activity or game. I think it is important to try to use a variety of styles to reach all students.

If: a teacher exposes the students to a variety of learning styles during a lesson
Then: the students will learn better and be more self-determined
Because: there will be more chance one of the styles will be the best learning style for that individual.
Event: A lesson
Moral implications: I think it is important to try to use a variety of styles to reach all students.
Evidence: and example of this would be if the teacher has the students teach a lesson on a specific topic.

If students are encouraged to build on their knowledge then they will learn to an optimal level because they will use their best intelligences and styles of learning to help themselves as well as others learn. An example would be asking students to tell an experience that the students had while travel to visit a different culture. I believe it will help when students contribute how they view the culture and may help others understand that culture also.

If: students are encouraged to build on their knowledge
Then: they will learn to an optimal level
because: they will use their best intelligences and styles of learning to help themselves as well as others.
Event: building on the students knowledge
Moral implication: I believe it will help when students contribute how they view the culture and may help others understand that culture also.
Evidence: An example would be asking students to tell an experience that the students had while travel to visit a different culture.

Today was a great day. We all really benefited from the time spent going over and breaking down the T2P statements. Silly as it is I thought it all had to be summed up in one sentence. I was having a hard time incorporating all the aspects involved in a GOOD T2P statement in only one sentence. A good lesson to take away from this is that sometimes the very basics need to be revisited in order to get everyone on the right track. The silly little things can be misunderstood. ALso that sometimes it pays to take the time to break things down in order to truly understand how to put them back together. I think my statement are much improved from where they were which was very simple and basic to a bit more involved. Hopefully they will continue to improve.

Today was also a great example of different learning or teaching styles when it came to learning the theorist.  We all educated one another through different methods.  Sometimes when students are responsible to teach each other, then everyone learns more.  It makes it so that those that are doing the teaching know the topic to a degree and understanding so that they can teach it.  Also, the learners are being instructed in a way that their peers found it useful to learn.  This may not always prove to be the best format, but it may help others.  If everyone helps one another then everyone will learn the best they can as a group based on prior knowledge and experiences.

Here is a link to my spread sheet for the theorist.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Blog/Reading Questions Due:
• What are some ways that you can create authentic collaborative projects in your current/future classroom? Please provide specific examples.
It is important to be able to collaborate to create effective communicators, to become socially and culturally aware, take responsibility for their role, able to delegate and share responsibility when appropriate, and to be flexible per Leading 21st Century Schools (pg. 49). Some great ways to create authentic collaborative projects in future classrooms is through the use of wikis, blogs, podcasts, google docs, educational bookmarks, photo sharing, digital pictures/video editing, and surveys, modeling, graphing tools, voice threads, mashups, and nings also per Leading 21st Century Schools (pg. 46-59). Out of all these I really feel that google docs is the best way to collaborate. We have been using it in our classrooms now and I love how easy, yet advanced the technology is. I like how students can work and view a project all at the same time, as well as making changes to it. I also have mixed feeling about making students create things such as blogs in order to connect with each other to collaborate on projects. I do not like ways that are so public. Although it may be a great source especially if monitored, it still puts a lot of information out to the public.

Schrum, L., Levin, B. (2009). Leading 21st Century Schools: Harnessing Technology for Engagement and Achievement. Thousand Oak, California, Corwin A SAGE Company.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 3 T2P

Today was so full of assignments. The entire class was very engaged all day when it came to learning the different theorist. I really enjoyed today's activity. We all came in with research done on a particular theorist and worked together to share and improve our knowledge. We coincidentally in my group were working on Vygostsky who believed very highly and his theory was based on the believe that higher learning takes place when in the presents of those that have more knowledge. An example, is us working in our groups today for this assignment.
We were asked to complete the questions about the theorist which gave a more concrete way of looking at the theorist. This activity allowed us to fully understand the entire process from teacher to learner, to environment. We continued on to meet in groups to discuss the different theorist and teach others about what we learned ourselves. This is an extremely important task which allows us to not only save time by not having to read and research all theorist ourselves, but it allows us to teach each other. Most students will understand the information that is being addressed more in depth when they have to vocally explain the situation to other peers. Sometimes a peer will have useful suggestions on ways to remember or make sense of the topic.
I thought the activity was fun when we repeated these steps in different groups and researched different theorists. This time we had to research Maslow. Maslow believed in his hierarchy of needs and was based more on individual success. It was a great assignment and full of activities to keep all students involved and engaged. It also has a higher level of success in the fact that others can use the works that are created to learn about other theorist as well. These works hit the highlights of the theorist that are discussed.
All in all the day was very productive. I feel like there was way too much pushed into one day and there was a lot of work which needed to still be completed at home by midnight. Those were difficult demands to keep up with.

If a teacher pairs a more advanced student with a student who is having difficulties, or by playing a game with teams then students will work together collaboratively as a team during the group assignments and learning will occur because it will lead to more knowledge being developed and discussed.

Week 3: Lt-1

1. Q-6 Do you think social learning theory is a good practice or bad practice?
I believe it is a great practice which we are doing a lot of in the TCPCG program. It is a beneficial way of learning to the student. It pushes students to learn more and increase their knowledge when exposed to others who are more knowledgeable.

2. Describe two of the four types of reinforcement that B.F. Skinner discovered.
It should take the form of the stimulus and response idea. The two reinforcements are positive reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement.

3. Using your definitions from the previous question, illustrate a detailed example of the relationship between assimilation and accommodations.
Assimilation is the idea that students build upon knowledge when fitting new information into your knowledge. Accommodation is making changes to that new information that is learned. Therefore, the student must gain knowledge from assimilation to be able to use the accommodations technique.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Take Two repost for
Blog/Reading Questions:
What are a few of the similarities and differences between the four instructional models of Internet use (Internet Project, Internet Workshop, Internet Inquiry, and WebQuest)? DO NOT List properties of each of the four models - INSTEAD - just focus on identifying similarities/differences.
All four instructional models are similar in that they are ways of learning and accessing the internet, in order to gain knowledge on various topics. They are all also similar in that they are ways in keeping modern and up to date with technology. They are a little different in the extent to which a topic can be investigated and learned. Some of the various methods are basis and straightforward, while others are global and can actually discover things on a topic based on what others are doing in a classroom in a different country. It is amazing to have such a wide variety of assess to the internet that will all better and improve the quality of learning, as well as the quantity that a student can learn.

Ask your cooperating teacher about the type of technology available at your school. Find out what technology your cooperating teacher is interested in integrating into the classroom in the Fall. Find out if your cooperating teacher has access to a SMART Board and if there are lessons that you could develop for the Fall. Discuss findings on blog.

They have a SMART Board in every classroom and resource room. The classroom that, I will be in has 4 laptop computers which are in constant use. One of our students will have direct access to his own laptop. They are very excited about using technology and look forward to learning more. There will be plenty of opportunity for lessons both in the classroom and resource room.

It sounds as if my cooperating teacher does not have anything that she wants me to put together for the fall. I think with is not being one specific content area involved with special education and without her help that might be difficult. As far as technology goes and the four different types of technology that we discussed it would be easy to use these different sources within special education. For example asking the students to use Internet inquiry, as Donald J. Leu believes that it is a great way to gather information that will help answer a question that is important to the student. It would be a great tool to use in completing a research paper for example. This would be a great use in my teaching and classroom to improve student knowledge on a specific content area.

These are all sources that can be found from http://www.vr2ltchr.com/instructional-models.html it is a great resource for this assignment.
Leu, D.J. Jr. (2002). Internet Workshop: Making time for literacy. Reading Online. [Article reprinted from the Reading Teacher, 55 (5)]. [Online Serial] Available:http://www.readingonline.org/electronic/RT/2-02_column/
Leu, D.J., Jr. (2001) Internet project: Preparing students for new literacies in a global village. Reading Online. [Article reprinted from the Reading Teacher, 54, 568-585]. [Online Serial] Available: http://www.readingonline.org/electronic/RT/3-01_column/
Leu, D.J., Jr. (2000). Our children's future: Changing the focus of literacy and literacy instruction. Reading Online. [Article reprinted from the Reading Teacher, 53, 424-431]. [Online Serial] Available: http://www.readingonline.org/electronic/RT/focus/
Leu, D.J., Jr., Kinzer, C.K., Coiro, J., Cammack, D. (2004). Toward a theory of new literacies emerging from the Internet and other information and communication technologies. [Article reprinted from R.B. Ruddell & N. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, Fifth Edition(1568-1611).International Reading Association: Newark, DE.] [Online Serial].Available: http://www.readingonline.org/newliteracies/lit_index.asp?HREF=/

Monday, June 6, 2011

Post #2

We really made big improvements today, especially when it came to the mapping project about learning. Our mapping went from a very scattered way of thinking to a more organized and methodical way of thinking. The funny part of this compare and contrast was that we thought last week that we were being very organized in our thinking of learning and our mapping. When we looked at it today, we realized it was difficult to make sense of. It was also very unconnected and scattered. The flow was not there to say the least.
Today our homework was a great way to give us examples of learning and different techniques, which were used whether good or bad. It was interesting watching the clips of videos also of various teaching styles. It is great to discuss what we watched to hear all the different takes. I really can appreciate the fact that to much control can definitely be a bad thing when it comes to teaching. The one video of the teacher teaching the math orders was a bit over the top to say the least. It reminded me of a little mini bootcamp.I am really growing to love our group-learning atmosphere. It is a great way to hear other takes and perspectives other than my own. It allows us to see things from all sides, which is a more in depth way of learning.
I also enjoyed starting the day of listening to some of the metaphors for teaching. I had used the bee in a beehive as a metaphor. I really could relate when someone discussed using a garden and relating it back to special education. That was an excellent point in the fact that all plants don’t grow in the same way some need more TLC then others, just as some plants need more light or more water to grow. They all grow at different speeds, using different TLC to get there.

T2P Statement:
If a student participates and is engaged in activities, then they can build on their knowledge an successful learning will occur because student can learn a great deal from one another.

Post #1

Theory to Practice
Today was a useful lesson in what "learning" truly means, and the ins and outs of "Learning". The exercise on filling out the questionnaire was helpful in having us understand and explore ourselves as learners. We were able to compare and contrast other learning styles when we compared the data of our Intel team, as well as our entire class. This allowed us to appreciate how although students are very diverse in many ways, the end results of learning/success can be achieved. This allowed me to also realize and take into account the various learning styles that exist.
There was good teamwork with the entire class today not only within our group. We needed help using our Mac and someone from another team stepped up and helped our group out. A lesson in team work as well. Doing the exercise on variables helped to hear some good and bad ways that students can be effected. Not only were we learning whether something was demographic, environmental, or experiential, but we had examples of variables. This also allowed us to get to know each other a bit more in our small groups. A lot of learning went on today in our class. When you reflect on our day everyone brought something to ”the mix”. I love the group learning! I am not one to feel very confident speaking during a group setting, although this setting seems much easier to feel comfortable with doing this.

T2P statement:
If a teacher employs a wide variety of learning activities throughout the daily lesson, then optimal learning will occur because a wide variety of learning styles will be incorporated in the teachings, which will reach more types of learners.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Here are three hyper linked content-area specific resources, which will help as great resources for teaching.
<a href="http://www.refseek.com/directory/teacher_resources.html"></a>

This website is a portal to many great websites that can be accessed in order to help in a wide variety of content areas which will be very useful when teaching special education. When teaching special education there are going to be many content-areas taught. This will allow a "good teacher" to access multiple sources in order to teach in a variety of ways to a diversity of students. Students learn in very different ways and therefore need to be taught and given material in different ways in order to maximize learning.I believe it is the duty of a good teacher to take these different learning styles into account when teaching a lesson. It is also important that in order to be a good teacher you must research and be very informed on the topic which is being discussed. If a good teacher knows the content thoroughly then the teacher will be more effective at teaching the content in a fun and engaging way. Most students will develop competency in certain areas usually by repetition of tasks and practice. Although this is not a specific website to practice one content area, all content areas are addressed through links via this site. The link listed below is one example of the many websites, which can be reached through refseek.com.

<a href="http://4teachers.org/profdev/index.php?profdevid=sn"></a>

This is a link that is great for a variety of different aspects of teaching. It also has access to more specific sites such as the one below. This site is more specific about Asperger’s. It might have some great lessons or worksheets to download. A good special education teacher will research and learn a wide variety of disabilities which will help them gage the level of their students. This knowledge will help make them great teachers that truly understand the level of thinking that their students are at currently and where they need to go.<a href="http://www.aspergersyndrome.org/"></a>
<a href="http://www.freerice.com/"></a>

This website is a really great resource in the fact that it can be used for general education. There are different methods for delivery, and the site allows students to practice some basic cognitive skills, or it can be used in a more focused way to practice a certain content area. Each correct answer entered on the site makes a donation of 20 grains of rice. This site is great motivation for the students which you can initiate a conversation about a multitude of topics like community service, math, geography, or political science. Part of a good teacher is not only to teach the knowledge or content, but to make sure the students truly retain the information instead of just learning it for a test for example. A good teacher will know basic content which might be the starting block of more advanced thinking and learning.
<a href="http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html"></a>

This website is a great resource for very basic information. It is some times difficult to find great information that contains not only the more advanced information, but the more simple information as well. It provides charts, graphs, and pictures that are especially good resources for initial lessons of learning the basics. It also has worksheets and diagrams that can be printed so that students can color and complete various tasks. These tasks and worksheets can be very important in practicing and really sending home the message and information being taught. Students must practice, practice, and practice. This resource is also important when it comes to special education to be able to have a wide variety of lesson in which the teacher can print and have visual assignments for the diverse students. Visual aids are always an asset when it comes to teaching. To be a good teacher it is important to make lessons as diversified as possible. If you teach a lesson and incorporate various methods of learning for example a powerpoint, hands on activity, and also a lecture you are more likely to get the most students actively involved and learning. This makes the lesson more appealing to those that learn better by visual, auditory, and also hands on. In order for student to be more competent they may need one or all of these various types of learning used during a lesson.