Monday, June 27, 2011

"A good teacher"

A "good" teacher is someone who not only tries to do the right thing, but demonstrates caring while doing the right thing. A "good" teacher is in it not only for personal reasons, but most importantly they are in it for the students whom they will be affecting. They take the time to understand and connect with their students on a wide range of levels. They not only have the knowledge and skill set needed to teach the students but they also know how to apply that knowledge and put it into practice so that the students will learn what is being taught. The students will be able to take away knowledge and understanding in a caring, supportive environment where they receive a great deal of encouragement and are able to motivate themselves.

If students are encouraged to build on their knowledge then they will learn to an optimal level because they will use their best intelligences and styles of learning to help themselves as well as others learn. An example would be asking students to tell an experience that the students had while travel to visit a different culture. I believe it will help when students contribute how they view the culture and may help others understand that culture also.  In order for a teacher to help get a student to that level of understanding they must have the content knowledge themselves and know how to apply it.  They must also be able to understand where the student is at with their thinking and learning and challenge them to keep moving forward.  The most important qualities that a teacher can provide for their students is to encourage and motivate them to believe in themselves and have confidence.  When a student is self-confident and motivated by meaningful relavant content it will enlarge their view of the world and raise them to the optimal learning level.

If: students are encouraged to build on their knowledge
Then: they will learn to an optimal level
because: they will use their best intelligences and styles of learning to help themselves as well as others.
Event: building on the students knowledge
Moral implication: I believe it will help when students contribute how they view the culture and may help others understand that culture also.
Evidence: An example would be asking students to tell an experience that the students had while travel to visit a different culture.

1 comment:

  1. Kerri,

    Looking good here. I made an audio comment today on our wiki "Latest News" page. I think it may be of some interest to you.

