Discuss the following on your blog in class:
- How your view of instructional technology has or has not changed over the course of the semester.
I have definitely come to appreciate technology much more. It is amazing to me the variety and extend to which we have resources to teach with. I feel like it is an on going process to try to keep up with technology today, but can be so useful and enhancing if we take the time to figure some of it out. I would definitely try to incorporate and find different programs to help my students learn better.
- The quality and appropriateness of what you have learned/created this semester.
I really feel like we learned a lot in this course. I almost feel like it was a bit too much. I would have liked to have time to explore a few of the programs a little more in depth and not be so all over the place. I would rather know only a couple things really well, then a bunch just a bit.
- Evaluation of your comfort moving forward with technology.
I feel a little informed with the programs we used, but like I had previously stated I feel like I only know a little about a lot. I wish I knew a lot about a little. If I knew a little more on each then I would feel a little more comfortable to use it more for future classes. I think it is very important to keep up with students engagement to learn technology. I will always be looking for different programs that could help me teach and also students learn better.